Community Plan Project

Community Plan Project

Thank you, Radium! Community ideas and feedback collected throughout 2024 laid the foundation for the “Big Moves” and draft land uses for the Community Plan. The project team considered everything we heard and is excited to share these next steps for your feedback.

Our most recent engagement in December provided additional feedback.

Click on these links to hear what was said during the online discussion.

A huge thank you to all those who have been able to participate in this important process. During our August engagement, we spoke with approximately 200 community members and received over 100 survey responses to gather feedback on important topics such as the Guiding Principles, short-term vacation rentals, year-round Village strategy, and how the community will grow and change into the future. If you haven’t seen our What We Heard Report, you can find it by clicking here: What We Heard!

Want to learn more?

Visit us at:

Get in touch by email:

Call the Village office: 250.347.6455

Or look us up on social media using #OurPathForward

Learn more about the “Big Moves” for the draft Community Plan, draft land uses, and background information. Click the following links to view our informational poster boards and presentations.

Our Compelling Path Forward: Ideas

Our Compelling Path Forward: Presentation

What We Heard

Following our engagement sessions this summer, and the online survey that closed in September, the results are now available.   

Click on this link to read the report – What we Heard from You!

Project Background

Check out this video of our project!   OCP – Our Path Forward!

The Village is updating its Community Plan and we want to hear from you! The Community Plan Project includes refreshing the Village’s two major planning documents: the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw.

The Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw influence everything you see around you in Radium Hot Springs – from where parks and trails are located, to what types of housing and businesses get built. They have an important influence on everything we see built around us and the way we imagine our community to be in the future. The building blocks are basic infrastructure, housing, environment, recreation, economy, downtown, and the community’s desire for a bright future for Radium Hot Springs.

Why are we doing this project? Because it is time. Years have passed and Radium Hot Springs is growing. The existing OCP is cumbersome and, the province has recently issued new legislation which needs to be included in an updated plan. Learn more about these changes on the Provincial website:

Public engagement is a key component in creating a successful Community Plan which reflects the diverse needs of a community. To reach as many different community members as possible, the project team will use a variety of online and in-person engagement activities, with an emphasis on reaching people in ways that (and in places where) they are already engaging. This could be quick online engagement tools, to interactive booths at a community event, to a luncheon with an active community group. We want to learn more about the challenges and opportunities that the citizens of Radium Hot Springs see for their community, so that what we hear from citizens helps create the Community Plan.

In preparation for the work ahead, Council appointed members to an Advisory Committee.  Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities include:

1. Review and provide general guidance on background information, draft materials, outreach activities and materials, and draft plan sections.
2. Provide direction in the creation of draft OCP goals, objectives, policies, and implementation strategies.
3. Assist the Village in identifying and evaluating potential alternatives to address key community issues and opportunities.
4. Provide review of proposed changes to the Village’s Zoning Bylaw and Development Permit Areas as key implementation tools of the OCP.
5. Provide feedback on OCP and Zoning Bylaw structure and format to ensure usability.
6. Participate in community engagement activities when available.
7. Assist in identifying and connecting the Village with key interest groups.
8. Assist in informing the community about the OCP and Zoning review process and encourage participation by diverse members of the community.

Stay tuned to this page for upcoming engagement opportunities or join our email list – sign up below!

Contact Us

You can reach the project team at, or call the Village office at (250) 347-6455.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is the Village doing this project?

A: The community has changed significantly since the Village’s Official Community Plan was last updated. To guide the future of Radium Hot Springs, this document requires updating. The Official Community Plan was created in 2013 with minimal updates since then. The Zoning Bylaw was originally created in 2022 with one amendment. Both documents require revisions to align with Village needs and current Provincial regulations.

The Village faces new challenges and possibilities, including commercial and industrial business opportunities, environmental protection and climate change resilience, and housing affordability and diversity. We want to plan toward a dynamic future that is an even greater place to live, work, and visit.

Q: How does the project affect me?

A: The Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw influence everything you see around you in Radium Hot Springs – from where parks and trails are located to what types of housing and businesses get built. They have the most important influence on everything we see around us, and the way we imagine our community to be in the future. The building blocks are basic infrastructure, housing, environment, recreation, economy, downtown, and the community’s desire for a bright future for Radium Hot Springs.

Q: How do I find out more information?

A: Stay tuned to this webpage which will be our online engagement hub. As well, look for posters around the community, newspaper ads, social media, or join our email list using our email sign up form below. You can also look us up using #OurPathForward or tag us in your own social media and photos!

Q: How will my feedback be used during the project?

A: Citizens should expect to see regular What We Heard Reports, which summarize information gathered during engagement activities and how it has been reflected within the planning documents. This is an opportunity for citizens to express whether the project team heard the community correctly and directly relate their feedback to the policy created or other key planning areas. These reports will be available on the Village’s website.

Q: What is an Official Community Plan? ( Current Official Community Plan)

A: An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a policy tool used by local governments to guide land use and community planning. An Official Community Plan provides certainty to residents and landowners regarding the location and nature of future growth and redevelopment. It guides municipal councils in decisions about land use bylaws, servicing, and capital expenditures to accommodate change. Community desires are expressed in the Plan by means of broad objectives and policy statements.

The Local Government Act (LGA) regulates the requirements for an OCP. Want to learn more? Visit the provincial website:

Q: What is a Zoning Bylaw?

A: A Zoning Bylaw is a set of rules that regulates building, development, and land use within the Village. The Zoning Bylaw divides the Village into zones. Each zone allows different types of developments and land uses.

Current Zoning Bylaw

Current Zoning Map

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